The national flag is a symbol of our identity, the tricolor should be hoisted in every house -Agriculture Minister

Deoria (Ashutosh Yadav): Under the chairmanship of Agriculture Minister Surya Pratap Shahi and in the presence of MLA Rampur Factory Surendra Chaurasia and Municipality President Alka Singh, a thorough review of the preparations for the Tricolor campaign was conducted at Gandhi Auditorium, Vikas Bhawan. The Agriculture Minister gave many important instructions to make the Har Ghar Tiranga program a success from August 11 to August 17.

The Agriculture Minister said that 75th Independence Day should be celebrated in a grand manner under the Amrit Mahotsav of Azadi. It should be ensured that the tricolor is hoisted in every house, every office. National flag should be hoisted at all Amrit Sarovars, Panchayat buildings and Anganwadi centres. The contribution of the heroes of the freedom movement should be displayed through various cultural events. To inculcate the feeling of patriotism among the people. He said that during this time the benefits of various welfare schemes of the government should also be made available to the people. Camps should be organized for the expansion of Ayushman card, various pension schemes, health and housing related schemes.

He said that the national flag is a symbol of our pride and national pride. Wide publicity should be given to the National Flag Code, so that people can hoist the flag according to the rules. The Agriculture Minister said that a Prabhat Pheri of school children should be taken out every day during the Independence Week. Awareness should be brought in schools by organizing slogan and essay competition.

Chief Development Officer Ravindra Kumar assured the Agriculture Minister that by following the instructions given by him, the Tricolor program would be made successful. In-charge CMO Dr Surendra Singh, ADM (Administration) Kunwar Pankaj, ADM (Finance and Revenue) Nagendra Kumar Singh, District Development Officer Ravi Shankar Rai, Deputy Director Agriculture Vikesh Kumar, District Agriculture Officer Mohammad Muzammil, PO Duda Vinod Mishra, Labor Enforcement Various officers including officer Shashi Singh were present.

Sunil Kumar Dhangadamajhi

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