Mumbai: October actor Banita Sandhu made her relationship with singer AP Dhillon Instagram official on Saturday. The actor dropped a series of pictures with AP Dhillon on her Instagram profile. In the first frame, we can see AP Dhillon sitting on the ground while Banita leaning over his face from a bed. In another picture, the new couple can be seen getting ready for a party. In another frame, Banita can be seen posing for the camera while AP Dhillon standing behind her. The last frame features AP Dhillon and Banita with their back to the camera while they can be seen holding hands. Banita wrote in the caption, “with me” and dropped a heart emoji with it.
Banita shared another image on her Instagram story where AP Dhillon is seen helping her with her dress.
These pictures happen to be from the party that Banita and AP Dhillon recently attended together. AP Dhillon’s docu-series AP Dhillon: First Of A Kind released earlier this week on Amazon Prime. After the special screening, Banita and AP Dhillon were spotted at a party.
Rumours about AP Dhillon and Banita Sandhu started doing the rounds after they featured together in the singer’s recent music video With You.