Mumbai: Actor Manoj Bajpayee-starrer “Joram” is set to be screened at the upcoming Durban International Film Festival (DIFF) next month, the makers announced Tuesday. Directed by Devashish Makhija, the hard-hitting psychological thriller is about a hunted displaced man, who is on the run to protect his daughter. The film, set in Jharkhand, deals with issues such as social inequalities, injustice with the tribal communities and deforestation.
“Joram”, which has previously travelled to the 52nd International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) and was part of the NFDC’s Film Bazaar, will now be screened in the ‘in competition’ section at DIFF next month and at the Sydney Film Festival next week.
Bajpayee said he is grateful for all the love and recognition that “Joram” is garnering at international film fetivals.
“‘Joram’ is a very special film and (I) am simply fascinated with all the love that the film is garnering at the global level. Devashish has done a laudable job and no one could have backed the project better than Zee Studios. Am delighted that now the film is going to the Durban International Film Festival,” the actor said in a statement.
Makhija lauded Bajpayee and the cast of “Joram” for their power packed performance in the film.
“Manoj Bajpayee’s performance ensures knots in the chest; as do the powerful performances of the rest of the cast. We are thrilled by all the recognition this film is garnering on the international circuit, and are really excited to be in Competition at the ‘Durban International Film Festival,” the director said.
The film marks the third collaboration between Bajpayee and Makhija after their short film “Tandav” and the acclaimed 2020 feature “Bhonsle”, for which the “Bandaa” star bagged the best actor National Award.
“Joram” is produced by Zee Studios in collaboration with Makhijafilm, an independent production house jointly owned by Devashish and curator-producer Anupama Bose.
Shariq Patel, CBO, Zee Studios, said they are proud to be associated with the film.