Subarnapur: In a significant move to promote the Kosli language, the Kosal Sahitya Academy organized a grand procession from Tarbha Patneswari temple to the Block Office. The rally, led by Academy President Debendra Kumar Naik, saw enthusiastic participation from over 50 Koshalpremi individuals, including members of the Maheshwari Sangathan and other notable figures such as Academy Secretary Rajendra Kumar Jhankar, Roshan Sahu, Trilochan Dalbehera, Gariba Mallik, Shrutimayee Sahu, Priyadarshini Jena, Phalshaphul Editor Prabhat Khamari, Journalist Kapilas Seth, Antaryami Sahu, Kalyan Naik, Manabhanjan Mishra, and Sukant Mishra.
The procession, accompanied by the traditional Dulduli Baja, passed through Rathapada, Sunaripada, Marwadi Pada, and Durga Mandap, drawing attention and support from the local community. During the street meeting, several speakers, including Debendra Kumar Naik, Rajendra Jhankar, Gariba Mallik, Roshan Sahu, Jagabandhu Sandha, Kalyan Naik, and Manbhanjan Mishra, highlighted the cultural and linguistic significance of the Kosli language.
A memorandum was presented to Prime Minister Narendra Modi through Tarbha B.D.O Anil Kulu, urging for the constitutional recognition of the Kosli language. The rally, being the first of its kind in Tarbha, brought a wave of happiness and pride to the area, reflecting the community’s strong support for their linguistic heritage.