Mumbai: Noted actor Sulochana Latkar died today due to prolonged illness at a hospital in Mumbai, her grandson-in-law Parag Ajgavkar confirmed. She was 94. Sulochana Latkar, a well-known actor of Marathi and Hindi cinema, started her career in 1940s and went on to feature in over 250 films. In Bollywood, the actor largely played on-screen mother to lead stars of the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s including Sunil Dutt, Dev Anand, Rajesh Khanna, Dilip Kumar, and Amitabh Bachchan. Actor Riteish Deshmukh paid her a tribute on Twitter. “The news of the death of Sulochana Didi is very sad. A heartfelt tribute to this great actress who ruled the hearts of audiences in Marathi and Hindi cinema,” he wrote. She featured in Hindi blockbuster hits such as “Heera”, “Reshma Aur Shera”, “Jaani Dushman”, “Jab Pyar Kisise Hota Hai”, “Jhonny Mera Naam”, “Kati Patang”, Mere Jeevan Saathi”, “Prem Nagar”, and “Bhola Bhala”. Latkar was honoured with Padma Shri in 1999. She is survived by her daughter Kanchan Ghanekar. Her last rites will be held tomorrow at 5 pm at Shivaji Park crematorium in Dada. The actor was admitted to Shushrusha Hospital in Dadar on May 8. “She passed away at around 6.30 pm at the hospital due to prolonged illness. She had a respiratory tract infection for which she was admitted on May 8,” Parag told PTI. Some of Latkar’s notable films are “Sasurvas”, “Vahinichya Bangdya”, and “Dhakti Jau” in Marathi and “Aaye Din Bahar Ke”, “Gora Aur Kala”, “Devar”, “Talaash”, and “Azaad”, in Hindi.